Commission Inquiry


The art I make is deeply intimate and for so long, the idea of creating custom work did not seem to fit with my broader artistic practice. As I have evolved the way I consider my work, I find myself always returning to concepts of connected subconsciousness. I seek out ways that we are all intertwined with nature and each other, imprinted with common symbolic meaning and this often leads me to ponder what aspects of my art others feel connected to and why that might be.

So I have created a small list of questions for anyone interested in a custom piece of artwork made by me. I accept a limited number each month!

NOTE: Once I get back to you, I may ask you to send over specific imagery of mine you want me to consider when making your commission, but please do not send pictures before I get back to you. This is not always necessary, but sometimes can help narrow down decisions being made for your piece :-)